Stanley No. 94 carriage-makers 4' rule
Stanley No. 91 double-bar marking gage
Stanley No. 65 boxwood marking gage
Upson Nut Co. No. 53 1/2 architect's rule
Cambrian Model Tester
5.5" brass and steeo trammel points
Brass and steel trammel points with square cutout
Stanley No. 14 steel square
Large brass trammel set with curved tips
Stanley 8" steel square No. 1
17" Panel gage with cast brass head
User-made marking gage
Stanley 14" sliding T-bevel
48" Log rule
Stanley try square No. 312
Stanley zigzag rule No. 425
Bentley & Taylor two-meter two-fold rule
Was $150.00 now $125.00!
Stanley No. 62 1/2 Carpenter's rule
Starrett rule depth gage No. 237
Ott planimeter made in Germany
Was $50.00 now $40.00!
Starrett 12" rule with Starrett protractor head
Crown 6" marking gage
Stanley No. 84 carpenters' rule
Heavy-duty trammel points
Was $95.00 now $75.00!
Stanley 4" inlaid try square No. 10
English marking gage
6" two-fold narrow rule with German silver
Was $95.00 now $75.00!
9" try square
Crown marking gage with 8" stem
Stanley No. 13 1/2 6" two-fold caliper rule
Stanley No. 65 1/2 four-fold rule
Grasshopper marking gage with brass fittings
Stanley 4" No. 12 square
Stanley butt gage No. 95
Primitive panel gage with chip carving on fence
Was $30.00 now $15.00!
Wood marking gage
Craftsman made marking gage
W. Johnson marking gage
Stanley marking gage No. 62
Large marking gage
User-made marking gage
6" wood rule in sleeve
Keuffel & Esser Wyteface Tape IOB
Squangle by Mayes
Twix depth gage and protractor
Starrett No. 296 pocket slide calculator
Was $30.00 now $20.00!
Rocket combination square
Coiled metal rule made in Germany
Starrett stair gage fixture No. 111
Stanley Steelmaster 100' tape
Footprint 8" sliding T-bevel
Stanley 12" combination square No. 21 Type 1
Was $35.00 now $25.00!
General 6" MM & inch rule No 311
Was $10.00 now $5.00!
8" sliding T-bevel
Stanley 6" No. 20 try square
Was $25.00 now $15.00!
12" rosewood and brass try square
Was $50.00 now $25.00!
7:" rosewood and brass try square
Was $20.00 now $10.00!
12" rosewood and brass try square
Was $50.00 now $30.00!
Lufkin No. 863L folding rule
10" try square with round escutcheon
Was $30.00 now $15.00!
Stanley 6" steel square No. 10
Panel gage with large head
Was $25.00 now $10.00!
Key seat rule clamps
Was $30.00 now $20.00!
Marking gage
Stanley 10" sliding T-bevel No. 25
Stanley clapboard gage
Was $30.00 now $15.00!
Marking gage with turned head.
Was $25.00 now $15.00!
Machinist made small marking gage
Was $35.00 now $20.00!
Machinist made brass small marking gage
Was $29.00 now $10.00!
Machinist made small marking gage
Was $28.00 now $10.00!
Machinist made small brass marking gage
Was $29.00 now $10.00!
Machinist made small marking gage
Was $28.00 now $10.00!
Campbell combination tool